WarZone  Technologies

What is a WarZone?

Any place that forces good people to defend themselves against violence...

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Solutions We Offer :

Encrypted WiFi Walkie Talkies                  Encrypted WiFi Mesh Networking                Ai Based Surveillance Drones Aircraft Detection & Plotting Devices          SDR Data Collection Devices                        Digital P25 Police Scanners

Imagine a World Where:

Crime and Violence will run rampant Food Shortages will cause Rioting Communications Grid will be down Electric Grid will be down Clean water supply disruption


Encrypted Radio Comms

Utilizing Encrypted Mesh Networking Technologies you can expand your private network anywhere any time. This includes off grid situations where no networking or internet infrastructure exists. 

Internet Connectivity

You can connect your WiFi walkie talkies to the internet and instantly talk with anyone, anywhere in the world who is running the same app. The app is cross platform and works on Android, Linux, and Mac OS.

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grayscale photo of electric tower
grayscale photo of electric tower
Digital Trunked Radio

Modern digital radios require modern digital decodng scanners. Old school analog scanners will no longer work on modern P25 Trunked Systems. SDR devices with tuned anetennas and proper demodulating software are perfect for capturing radio transmissions on multiple frequencies simultaneously. You will only be able to listen to broadcasts that are Not encrypted.

Situational Awareness

You can capture transmissions in real time as they are broadcast through the airwaves, unlike online rebroadcasting streams which can be up to 2 minutes behind. You can know exactly what dangerous situations are unfolding around you before you consider stepping outside. Coupling this with the Aircraft Detection system will give you a full spectrum view of the world around you, in real time, without the need for interne!

woman biking near people on sidewalk
woman biking near people on sidewalk

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P25 Digital Police Scanner P25 Digital Police Scanner

Ai Enhanced Surveillance Drones

Modular Sensor Options

Modular Sensors can include detection hardware such as:

  • Conventional Cameras with Night Vision

  • Astra Pro Depth Camera

  • Thermal Imaging


  • Acoustic Mappings

Modular Hardware

Drones can host a number of different Hardware Modules such as:

  • Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, Arduino, etc

  • Robotic Arm and Pinchers

  • WiFi + Cellular + RF Data Antennas

  • WiFi Router Hotspot MESH repeater

  • SDR, WiFi, Webcams, Microphone, Lazers

  • Battery Bank Systems & Wireless Charging

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Spectrum Waterfall
Spectrum Waterfall
Spectrum Analyzer

View the spectrum analyzer to find RF signals and determine their exact frequency. This can be helpful for finding wireless transmitters, hidden cameras, walkie talkies, and general radio frequencies in the area. It will also display the transmission power which can help indicate how close the signal is.

Capture Data & Listen in

Once you find a frequency you want to monitor you can begin to capture data packets or listen in to the voice broadcasts. You can even capture images from wireless security cameras that operate on conventional  un-encrypted radio frequencies.

Listen ...
Listen ...

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Display aircraft with detailed information
Display aircraft with detailed information
ADSB Receiver

Track aircrafts and view detailed information including names, track history, altitude height, flight plans, etc.

Situational Awareness

Verify what type of aircraft is currently flying overhead in real tme! Ths includes police, Emergency, and some Military crafts. No internet connection required!

Filter aircraft by type, name, or number
Filter aircraft by type, name, or number

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Secure Mesh Networking

Utilizing Encrypted Mesh Networking Technologies you can expand your private network anywhere any time. This includes off grid situations where no networking or internet infrastructure exists. 

Internet Connectivity

You can connect your Encrypted WiFi Mesh Network to the internet and instantly connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. You can also link your WiFi Walkie Talkies, SDR devices, Scanners, and computers to broadcast and communicate with anyone on the internet.

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